PIEDRAS BAYAS BEACHCAMP #Arquitecturademadera

Fotografías ©Alejandro Gálvez ©Cristina Ananias ©Eduardo Montesinos
Desde Archdaily

“Piedras Bayas Beachcamp is an itinerating and sustainable tourism station in the virgin landscape of the coastal zone of the Atacama Desert, located in northern Chile. The strategy of light structures, integration of local materials, non-contaminant sanitary systems and green- powered facilities is an architectural example of low impact construction for non-intervened natural landscapes.

The Atacama Desert is located within the “South America arid diagonal”. It is a dry zone and almost never rains. The coastal zone has a temperate climate all year, and has a high geological & archaeological content.

A place with immense natural landscapes that are still limitedly affected by human intervention and has no urban planning (…)”

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