MMMMMS HOUSE #Arquitecturademadera

 Arquitectura: Anna & Eugeni Bach
Fotografía: Eugeni Bach
Desde Caandesign

“The MMMMMS house is put at the edges of Camallera, in a late improvement range confronting the town. Because of the area, the house is straightforwardly obvious from the town.

The nearby building regulations are clear, indicating simple general attributes for the new houses, for example, stone cladding, or inclined rooftops with “Middle Easterner” tiles. The fundamental point of these regulations is to lead new structures to look like old rustic houses, the purported Catalan “masias”.

The point of the undertaking was not to think about the “masia” as a disengaged constructing, yet as one that bodes well in a rustic scene and on the rural area. The conventional Catalan house would not bode well without its actual farming setting; even less when there are 20 comparative houses in a range of only 10 hectares (…)”

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